- Saharanpur, INDIA
- +91-9311320018, +91-9311650087 (Ph.D)
- Ph.D Registration
S.N. | Name | Designation | Position |
1. | Dr. Rehan Safee | Principal, Glocal Unani Medical College Hospital & Research Center, Glocal University | Chairman |
2. | Mr. Vinay Kumar Yadav | Deputy Registrar, Glocal University | Member Secretary |
3. | Mrs.Swarnima | DSW Glocal University | Member |
4. | Dr.Atiqa Bano | Dean, Glocal Law School, Glocal University | Member |
5. | SaifullahZaphar | HOD, Mechanical Engineering, Glocal University | Member |
For complaint Email to: udc@theglocaluniversity.in
The University Disciplinary Council will create awareness against and prevent any ill incidents taking place in the university campus. It shall be the duty of the University Disciplinary Council to ensure compliance with the provisions of UGC/AICTE Regulations on curbing the Menace and Indiscipline behaviour in the campus as well as to monitor and oversee the performance of the Disciplinary squad in the prevention of in-disciplinary activity in the University.
The Guidelines of the University Disciplinary Council include following broad areas:
1. Ethics and Code of Conduct
2. Definition of Indiscipline or Misconduct
3. Administrative Mechanism for Handling Student Indiscipline Cases
4. Disciplinary Action
5. Appeal/Review of outcome of disciplinary action
6. Cases Involving Criminal Allegations
7. Maintaining Case Files of Disciplinary Action
Descriptive details of above guidelines:
1. Ethics and Code of Conduct
The aim of education is the intellectual, professional, personal and ethical development of the individual. The educational process is ideally conducted in an environment that encourages reasoned discourse, intellectual honesty, openness, and respect for the rights of all individuals. Self discipline is necessary for the fulfilment of such goals. The Students’ Ethics is insisted to promote this environment in the university, not limiting to areas stated herein below:
Ethics Respect for self
Respect for others
Respect for University Property
Respect for University Authority
Honesty, Integrity, Professional
Academic Integrity Demeanour
Code of Conduct:
1. Students are expected to respect and observe these guidelines of the University.
2. Students should conduct themselves in an orderly manner in their academic and recreational activities while they attend the University, engage in any University activity in hostels, university campus and/or outside the campus during their visits for training, excursion, sports, and project work etc.
3. Students should respect the rights and privacy of other members of the University at all times.
4. Students pursuing programs leading to a professional qualification are also required to conduct themselves in a manner appropriate to profession as they are required to follow professional conduct as future professionals in the field.
5. Glocal University is dedicated to the following goals while promoting ethics and code of conduct amongst its students: Fostering professional excellence
Promoting a life of values and ethics
Creating responsible and informed leaders and professionals.
Inculcating a spirit of dedication to the service of humanity
Work towards nation-building.
6. These goals can only be achieved in a campus environment wherein the students feel safe, secured, engaged, challenged and appreciated. This environment is created by the active contributions of every member of the Glocal family, be it a student, faculty, support staffs or others associated with University. The campus ethos demands integrity and compassion to promote a culture of learning, appreciation and understanding.
7. The faculty, administrators, staff and students of Glocal University, all have the responsibility to take care of the intellectual, social, emotional, psychological and other resources of University that we proudly share.
8. When students choose to accept admission to Glocal University, they accept to follow the norms of University, be it Ethics, Code of Conduct, Rules and Regulations and the Guidelines as may be notified from time to time. As members of Glocal University, the students are expected to uphold its values by maintaining a high standard of conduct.
9. The student disciplinary guidelines will be used, to address violations of the Ethics and Code of Conduct, provided that such violation or act of indiscipline warrants actions against the erring students.
II. Definition of Indiscipline or Misconduct
The general definition of “misconduct” under these Disciplinary Procedures is unauthorised interference, in the broadest sense, with the proper functioning or activities of the University, or those who work or study in the University; or action which otherwise damages the reputation of University. Without prejudice to the generality of the power to maintain and enforce discipline under these Guidelines, the following shall amount to act of indiscipline or misconduct on the part of a student of the University and its Departments/ Institutions/ Schools/ Constituent Unit/ Centres: Physical assault or threat to use physical force against any member of the teaching and non-teaching staff of any Department/institution/Schools/Constituent Units/Centres and against any student within Glocal University Saharanpur;
1. Unauthorisedly remaining absent from the class, test or examination or any other curricular or co curricular activity which she/he is expected to participate in;
2. Carrying of, use of or threat to use of any weapons;
Misbehaviour or cruelty towards any other student, teacher or any other employee of the University, a college or institution.
4. Use of drugs or other intoxicants except those prescribed by a qualified doctor;
5. Any violation of the provisions of the Civil Rights Protection Act, 1976;
6. Indulge in or encouraging violence or any conduct which involves moral turpitude;
7. Any form of gambling;
8. Discrimination against any student or a member of staff on grounds of caste, creed, language, place of origin, social and cultural background or any of them;
9. Practicing casteism and untouchability in any form or inciting any other person to do so;
10. Any act, whether verbal or otherwise, derogatory to women;
11. Smoking, use of narcotics, possession and consumption of alcoholic beverages or gambling in any form;
12. Any attempt at bribing or corruption of any manner or description;
13. Wilful destruction of the property of the University or its Departments/Institution/School/College/ Constituent Unit/ Centre etc.;
14. behaving in rowdy, intemperate or disorderly manner in the premises of the University or the college or the institution, as the case may be, or encouraging or inciting any other person to do so;
15. Creating discord, ill-will or intolerance among the students on sectarian or communal grounds or inciting any other student to do so;
16. Causing disruption of any manner of the academic functioning of the University system;
17. Indulge in or encouraging any form of disruptive activity connected with tests, examinations or any other activity of the University or the college or the institution, as the case may be.
18. Delays or Unpunctuality;
19. Violation of the status, dignity and honour of students, in particular women students and those belonging to a scheduled caste or a scheduled tribe or other backward class;
20. Any practice – whether verbal or otherwise, derogatory of women;
21. Verbal abuse, mental or physical torture, aggression, corporal punishment, harassment, trauma, indecent gesture and obscene behaviour of students;
22. Indulging in or encouraging any form of disruptive activity connected with tests, examinations or any other activity of the University or the college or the institution, as the case may be.
23. Violation of guidelines shall also be considered as act of misconduct.
24. Disruption of or unauthorised interference with, the academic, administrative, sporting, social or other activities of the University, whether on University premises or else
25. Obstruction of, or improper interference with, the functions, duties or Activities of any student, member of staff or other employee of the University or any authorised visitor to the
26. Violent, indecent, disorderly, threatening or offensive behaviour or language whilst on University premises, hostels, PG accommodation or outside the campus on official assignments or engaged in any University activity, including that committed by electronic means using email from a University account or other social media or account accessed via the University network.
27. Fraud, deceit, deception or dishonesty in relation to the University or its staff or in connection with holding any office in the University or in relation to being a student of the University.
28. Action likely to cause injury or impair safety either on University premises or on any other sites associated with the University through its professional or other programmes
29. Defacement of, or deliberate damage to, any property, records or information of the University, or any property of a member of the University (including damage resulting from negligee
30. Acts of disturbances that threaten the rights and privacy of any member of the University, whilst on University premises or engaged in University activity outside the campus such as field work, training, excursion etc. or hostels, PG accommodation, University owned or managed accommodation.
31. Any unauthorised absence from the scheduled test, examination, curricular, co-curricular or extracurricular activity or from the hostel which includes leaving the activity site without permission, giving proxy attendance for others or asking others to give proxy attendance for
32. Rude, unmannerly, impolite acts, use of abusive or offensive language, gestures, remarks or inciting others (discriminatory on grounds of caste, creed, language, place of origin, gender, social or cultural background
33. Harassment of any kind, including sexual or based on cast, creed, race of any student, member of staff or other employee of the University or any authorised visitor to the University, including that committed by electronic or other remote manner.
34. Acts of disturbance, negligence or breaches of health and safety measures which might threaten the safety, security or welfare of other residents in a University owned or University managed property, or an employee of the University looking after that property.
35. Unfounded and malicious complaints brought against a member of the University under the Student Complaints Procedure.
36. Participating, operating, assisting or promoting gambling activity while on campus/hostel premises or while on duty.
37. Use of any banned substance and be under the influence of alcoholic beverages, a drug or a controlled substance, while on campus/hostel or on duty.
38. Stealing, actual or attempted, unauthorised possession of university property or property of others, or collusion with others to commit such acts.
39. False statements, deliberate misrepresentation, includes falsifying information on a leave form, hostel out pass, or other documents pertaining to entitlements; concealment, withholding of a material fact, making false sworn statements, and lying.
40. Knowingly making false or malicious statements against other students, faculty, or university officials with the effect of harming or destroying the reputation, authority, or official standing of that individual or an organisation.;
41. Failure to disclose information about a criminal record including FIR as well as convictions, acquired prior to or during a student’s registration period or on a University questionnaire, where this information is required for any student
42. Violation of administrative rules or regulations where safety to persons or property is concerned.
43. Refusal to testify or cooperate in an authorized enquiry or investigation; interference or attempt to influence, or attempt to alter testimony of witnesses or participants.
44. Participating in activities soliciting political contributions and/or campaigning;
45. Misuse of Glocal University Identity Card or not displaying the I-Card; Carrying of, use of or threat to use of any weapons
46. Promoting casteism and untouchability in any form or inciting any other person to do so;
47. Harming dignity and honour of students, in particular girl students and those belonging to a scheduled caste or a scheduled tribe or other backward class.
48. Breach of the provisions of any civil rights/code or University rule or regulation that constitute misconduct under this Code including non compliance of hostel and library regulations or regulations for the use of computing facilities and such other acts which constitute breach of Code of Conduct as defined hereinabove in these Guidelines.
III. Formation of University Disciplinary Council
The University Disciplinary Council shall be constituted by the Vice-Chancellor. It shall have five to seven members including Chairman of University Disciplinary Council. The council tenure will be two full academic year. The members of the University Disciplinary Council may be re-appointed/re-nominated in reconstitution of the Council. If any member/chairman vacates the position, the Vice-Chancellor may nominate new member/Chairman.
IV. Nature of Penalty/Actions
While the quantum of punishment shall be based on the recommendation of committee concerned, however, an indicative list of punishment is annexed herewith at Annexure I, which may be amended from time to time.
V. Action on Minor Cases of Misconduct
(i). In cases where an act of indiscipline is of a minor nature, the student will be warned/ cautioned/counselled by the Chief Proctor/Proctor/HOS/HOD/Member of Proctorial Board and/or refer to Counselling and Guidance Centre/Cell.
(ii). In such cases no records shall be made on academic transcript.
VI. Action on Disciplinary Cases Involving Serious Misconduct
i. In the case of a more serious breach of Conduct, or repetition of minor acts of misconduct, the matter will be referred to the Chief Proctor/DSW by the University Disciplinary Council.
ii. The DSW in consultation with Chief Proctor, Proctor and HOS/HOD shall decide if the matter is required to be taken in the University Disciplinary Council and convene such meeting and inform the student of the nature of the alleged misconduct and permit the student an opportunity of being heard by the University Disciplinary Council.
iii. The University Disciplinary Council, after hearing the student(s) and others who are in the know of the incident/case, determine, in light of the evidence, whether a breach of the rules, regulations and stipulated guidelines had been committed;
iv. University Disciplinary Council, if satisfied that there had been a breach of Conduct may decide suitably in the matter as per one or more of the following course of actions and/or make recommendation to the Vice Chancellor:
Decides/recommends that no action be taken;
Issues a written warning to the student indicating the consequences of future misconduct.
Requires the student to compensate for or make good any damage caused to an individual or the University property;
Imposes a fine payable to the University;
Requires the student to vacate hostel immediately when their continued presence might affect the safety, security or welfare of other hostellers or University employees;
Restricts access to any part of the University’s campuses, hostels or to any services of the University.
Rusticates the student with immediate effect from University premises for a specified period.
Recommends expulsion of student from the University/Hostel.
Recommends rustication of student.
Recommends community service in campus/ outside campus.
On completion of the disciplinary process, the student will be sent a notice in writing stating the decision of the University Disciplinary Council.
A student who is the subject of a complaint of misconduct and against whom a criminal charge is pending or who is the subject of police investigation/FIR may be rusticated, pending the disciplinary hearing or the trial. However the student may be allowed to appear in internal and external examinations, provided that the student fulfils the eligibility criteria of attendance etc., under the supervision of the examination department and if there is no adverse order to this effect from Constitutional authorities.
The University Disciplinary Council at the conclusion of the meeting will prepare and send the minutes of the meeting, recommendations, enquiry report and recorded evidences to the Vice Chancellor for his/her approval through the Registrar of the University.
After receiving approval/directions from the Vice Chancellor, DSW will issue the office order to the student/s with copies marked to Registrar/ HoS/HoD/ Director Hostel/ Chief Proctor/ Proctor/Security and other concerned and parents.
VII. Disciplinary Actions
In the event students are found indulging in such activities which tantamount to violation of standard of ethics and conduct, the University shall initiate disciplinary action as may be deemed appropriate without being prejudiced. The University officials are expected to take sufficient care while handling Students’ issues, with an open mind to educate the students as to how they must come out of negativity and adopt positive approach towards self improvement making the students life truly enjoyable and enriching. Punishing the students must not be sole objectives while enforcing discipline. The students are to be encouraged and motivated to adopt a right path through proper counselling by Faculty, Mentor and Proctor. The disciplinary history and the impact of certain behaviour on the peer group of students and the consequent impact on academic environment of University shall be determining factor while adjudicating the nature of disciplinary actions listed below as Annexure I:
Positive Advice/Counselling
Suspension/Eviction/Removal from Hostel
Postponement/Cancellation of Conferring of Awards and Degrees
1). Positive Advice/Counselling
These are stated to be the activities intended to engage the students in a positive learning experience related to a student’s inappropriate behaviour and allow such students to reflect upon their inappropriate behaviour. This type of action may include, but not limited to, engaging in a campus with Mentor, attending a program of Psychologist or Counsellor, Community Service. It is mandatory for the students faced with disciplinary action, for the first time, to be engaged with Counsellor to ensure positive behavioural change during the tenure of punishment or for such period as the situation may demand. On the recommendation of Psychologist or Counsellor, or a Committee constituted for the purpose, cases of drug addicted students who show reasonable improvement in their action and behaviour and are able to recoup the mental strength leading to:
Gradual decline of intoxication and/ or drug addiction.
Any other improvement; The authority concerned may take a lenient view on attendance criterion and grant exemption of shortfall of attendance as one time measure with sole motive of helping such students to come out of traumatic stage for societal cause.
2). Warning/Fines
If the student’s behaviour is found inappropriate a formal warning notice /show- cause notice will be issued by authority concerned in the University. In certain cases fines may be imposed. Such actions shall be placed in the student’s file and may be used as evidence of behavioural history, if the student engages in further inappropriate behaviour and/or action. Fine is compensation required of students who engage in the theft, misuse, damage or destruction of institutional property. If the students are engaged in offences such as smocking, consuming alcohol and taking drugs, fines may be imposed in addition to other disciplinary actions leading to expulsion.
3). Suspension/Eviction/Removal
Limited or Temporary Suspension from the university involves the exclusion of the student from participation in any academic or other activities of the university for a specified period. Such suspension order shall be issued to the student with copy marked to parent/guardian. The action of suspension will be noted on the student’s disciplinary record and if necessary; the student will be withdrawn from all courses. The student may forfeit fees. Suspension may include any other disciplinary action as may be deemed appropriate. When a student has concluded the limited suspension period and completed the conditions accompanying the suspension, he/she must submit a letter to the Dean of Students Welfare (DSW), requesting reinstatement and provide evidence that he/she has complied the terms of the suspension. The student may return to the university only after an affirmative decision has been made by the authority concerned. A responsible living environment in the hostel requires all the students‟ community to respect other hostellers’ rights for safety, security and reasonable quietness. Serious disruption of the peaceful hostel environment can lead to removal/eviction from hostel. Such actions may further cause forfeiture of fees according to the normal university refund policy which will be intimated to the student and the student’s parents or guardian.
4). Rustication
Rustication is a serious university disciplinary action and involves exclusion of the student from the university for a specified period, however, not beyond a year. Rustication involves the following: Forfeiture of all rights and degree not actually conferred at the time of rustication. This involves expulsion from University for specified period and in such event the student is withdrawn from all courses and fees forfeited. The Rustication order/notification shall be issued to the student with copy marked to parent/guardian. The notification of rustication shall be maintained in student’s disciplinary record and academic transcript permanently. The rusticated students are not allowed entry in the University campus.
5). Expulsion
The students may face most serious disciplinary action involving permanent expulsion from University and in such event all the rights as student of University shall stand forfeited. The student is withdrawn from all courses and fees forfeited. Expulsion also means the student may not be conferred with final degree or award of degree. Such Expulsion order/notification shall be issued to the student with copy marked to parent/guardian. The notification of expulsion shall be maintained in student’s disciplinary record and academic transcript permanently. The expelled students are not allowed entry in the University campus.
6). Postponement of Conferring of Awards and Degrees
The University reserves the rights to defer, postpone or cancel the conferment of any Award and Degree during pendency of any disciplinary action procedures or during period of suspension.
VIII. Appeal/Review of Outcome of Disciplinary Action
Student may request a review or make an Appeal to Vice Chancellor against a decision of suspension, rustication, expulsion and/ or penalty imposed by the University on the recommendation of Students Disciplinary Committee, in relation to an act of indiscipline. Such a request for a review or Appeal must be submitted in writing to the Vice Chancellor preferably within seven days, however, not exceeding thirty days of any decision or penalty is imposed.
The Vice Chancellor, if satisfied that the matter should be reviewed, may refer the appeal back to Chairman, Students‟ Disciplinary Committee to review the case or may refer it to an independent committee to be constituted for the purpose by Vice Chancellor
The DSW will convene the Students Disciplinary Committee meeting as soon as practicable after the receipt of the request for a review or appeal has been received. The Committee will hear the student and determine, in light of the evidence, whether a breach of the Code of Conduct has been committed. Following the hearing, the Committee may confirm, reduce, set aside, amend or otherwise vary the decision and/or impose penalty and forwards such recommendation to Vice Chancellor. The Vice Chancellor may consider the recommendation and approve the same or decide one or more of the following courses of action:
a) Decides to maintain the status quo
b) Rules that the complaint made against the student should not be the subject of further action by not accepting the recommendation of University Disciplinary Council.
c) Directs to issue a written warning to the student indicating the consequences of future misconduct, to be entered into the student’s file.
d) Requires the student to pay to the University a fine.
e) Withholds the award of a Degree or Diploma or Certificate until such conditions are fulfilled as the Vice Chancellor may specify.
f) Suspends, rusticates or expels the student from the University.
On completion of the review/appeal process, the student will be sent a notice in writing stating the final decision of Vice Chancellor on the review/appeal which shall be final and binding on student(s).
IX. Cases Involving Criminal Allegations
Where the offense is considered under the Criminal Law such cases will be dealt appropriately taking into considerations the applicable law and as may be advised by the University Lawyer. Cases involving an offense within the campus under the Criminal Law will be reported to the Police by the University Lawyer. The student will be informed accordingly.
X. Case Files of Disciplinary Actions
All records and disciplinary proceedings and summary Report of such cases of every preceding Academic Year shall be submitted to The Dean Students Welfare. Examination related indiscipline cases shall be referred to the Examination Discipline Committee, or the Unfair Means Committee (UFM).
Notwithstanding anything contained herein above in these guidelines, in case of any contradiction with the stipulated provision of Regulations (4),” Maintenance of Discipline among Students”, as notified by the UGC from time-to-time shall prevail.
XI. Breach of Discipline and corresponding punishments
1. Unhealthy Posture
Displaying Indecent Postures & Obscene Behaviour
Physically Involved Acts & Expositions in Public Places
Strict Warning.
Suspension for 1-2 weeks.
Conduct Probation.
Information to the HOS/HOD & to the Parents on first misconduct, calling parents on the second and subsequent conducts.
2. Theft Related
Suspension for 2-3 weeks.
Fine equivalent to the Stolen Item (s) / Return / replacement of the same or newer version. Hostel Seat Cancellation in Case of Hostel Residents.
Compulsory behavioural/psychological mentoring 1 hour per week or as decided by the Council on a case to case basis. Conduct Probation.
Information to the HOS/HOD & to the Parents.
3. Ragging Related
Suspension for 3 weeks – 1 month. Rustication for 1-2 Years.
Expulsion. Immediate report to the police station.
Imprisonment upto two years/fine upto Rs 10,000/- or both.
Convicted student debarred from admission in any educational institution up to five years. Conduct Probation.
Information to the HOS/HOD & to the Parents.
4. Destruction of University Property
Suspension for 3 weeks -1 month with Fine equivalent to double the replacement value of damage.
Conduct Probation.
Information to HOS/HOD & to the Parents.
5. Disrupting Academic Functioning and University Procedures & Systems
Suspension for 3 weeks – 1 month.
Rustication Upto 1 Year.
Conduct Probation.
Information to the HOS/HOD & to the Parents.
6. Violence Related
Individual or Violence instigating a mob as well as Alcohol & Intoxicants
Suspension for 3 weeks -1 month.
Rustication for 1-2 Semesters.
Conduct Probation.
Information to the HOS/HOD & to the Parents.
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